Tuesday, October 12, 2004

At a Flying J near Gulfport Mississippi

I took a side venture into the damaged area of Pensacola...sheet metal debris, appliances in ditches, broken trees all over the place, but now gathered into piles along the road sides every several hundred yards or so. I missed a great photo shot taking the toll bridge on Hwy 281 when exiting Gulf Beach...Pensacola Beach is closed except to contractors and residents...when a squall with heavy rain filled the sky to the east of the bridge highway, and an open blue sky was to the west. The camera has been in the bag until this morning when I couldn't resist a photo of a cotton field along hwy 90 towards Pascagoula. Biloxi appears to be quite a resort town with its long white sandy beaches and great views of the Gulf of Mexico.

This truck stop is by Hwy 10....and I'm going to drop down to hwy 90 for the drive into New Orleans. I must add that although the trip to Pensacola was very close to being a big mistake, what it did was put me onto Hwy 10 going west into Mobile. That is a memorable stretch of road and well worth yesterday's effort. The topper was when I got diverted into Fairhope to find a motel room. I had dinner at an Italian restaurant called Gambino's...and judging by the photos on the wall, a large number of Hollywood celebrities have dined there as well.

By the way...I saw your comment on the last entry...thanks again!


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